Monday, March 14, 2011

Yes We Can

It’s a phrase that inspired a nation – most of it, anyways. It started as words, became a chant, and evolved into a revolution. As a staunch and proud conservative it might surprise people to learn that I found Obama’s speeches inspiring. Of course this admiration ended at the surface. The tone and the delivery were brilliant. But the message lacked common sense, specificity, and generally went against all of my principles. How can you trust something that is so obviously meant to inspire the masses while at the same time is so deliberately vague? “Yes we can!” What can we do? Who is the “we” that’s doing whatever it is that can be done?

Well, Obama has entered his third year of presidency and few things have become clear(er). Let’s break down his slogan: Yes (We believe it, and therefore, it should be so that) We (the government) Can (should provide everything we want and need). But why? Why do hard-working Americans want the government to take care of them? Answer: Because liberal lies have led them to believe that they cannot control their own destinies.

It’s part of the regular talking point of any liberal democrat: “It’s not they’re fault that they’re…” fill in the blank (poor, uneducated, jobless, homeless, unhappy, ugly, stupid, stinky, dumb, dirty, ect.) Liberals need people to feel like the troubles they are facing are someone else’s fault. They need a dependent class. Because if everyone believed that they could determine their own fate, then there would be no need for the democrats to save them from a society that has allegedly left them behind.

Here’s the truth: the Democrats don’t want people to pull themselves out of poverty. The impoverished make up a voting block that the liberals needs. Democrats have all of these great ideas to help get people out of poverty. But if they’re so great, how come we still have so much poverty? These policies are failures because they were designed to be failures. And so they continue to pass legislation under the guise of protecting Americans, but their true purpose is to keep people reliant on the government.

Think about it, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Healthcare – these programs are designed so that the government can take care of us. It’s the government’s way of telling us “Don’t worry, we know things have been tough and it’s unrealistic to think you could survive on your own, so we’re going to take care of you from now on.”

The unfortunate thing is that the government has been telling us for so long what we’re not capable of doing, that people have started to believe it. People need to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives. It’s time for conservatives to take back a slogan that’s rightfully theirs “Yes (We believe it, and therefore, it should be so that) We (the People) Can (achieve our dreams through hard work, perseverance, and the grace of God).