Friday, February 18, 2011

Debbie Downer – The need to share negative information

I had a conversation about the great “spring-like” weather this morning. It was a short conversation and right after bringing up the enjoyable fact that it was 50 degrees at 8am the person I was talking to had to tell me “but it’s going to drop to 40 degrees real soon.”

May I ask why it is necessary to give life to the second part of that statement by talking about it? This attitude where one feels the need to shortly announce the positive but only to be followed by a negative statement reminds me of the current American attitude. We have a lot going on that is negative in the country today, but we also have a lot of positive things going on too. If we give more life to the positive it will grow and become part of us and our daily conversations. I’m not saying ignore the negative but if something bad or unpleasant is going to take place, talking about it is not going to stop it from happening.

It is similar to children, children will have good and bad attitudes, good and bad days, but it is how we react to their behavior that matters the most. My mother always said, “words have power.” Well they do, you spend more time harping on your kid about his bad behavior the child will focus on that, you spend more time praising them about the good they do and they will build self confidence and become a stronger individual. Of course there is a time to discipline, and correct the bad, but do not make it the focus of the day, focus on the positive, both in your family and in the country. And if it is warm out don’t tell me when it is getting cold, I figured that part out already, it’s like the sun it comes back around tomorrow.

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