Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FreedomFest 2011?

Today AP reported King Abdullah II fired his entire cabinet as protesters take to the streets in Jordan. It’s amazing that this is happening. How long have these people, the middle east at large, lived under autocracy and despotism? Even more curious is that Egypt and Jordan are, or were, very stable countries. Not wrapped up in the conflict or intrigues of the region at large. Tunisia, Egypt and now Jordan. Curious indeed.

I just have to wonder if President Bush’s much maligned freedom prognostication has really taken effect. That philosophy was not rooted in regime change, but paradigm change. The idea that all people long to be free of the authoritarian shackles. Who would have thought we would be seeing this wave of popular uprising?

I hope these revolutions stay peaceful and lead to democracy and freedom. However, we saw the Cedar revolt in Lebanon be co-opted by Hezbollah, will these popular uprising lead to Islamist control? Time will tell.

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